The Glia Society

The Glia Society

General information

General information on the Glia Society

The goals of the Glia Society, founded in 1997 by Paul Cooijmans and nerve-centred in Europe, are to be a forum for the intelligent and encourage and facilitate research related to high mental ability. The society has several hundred members in more than thirty countries on five continents, the lion's share residing in Europe and North America (and less than ten in the Netherlands).

Glia is a type of brain cell — the glia, glial, or neuroglia cell — that in various ways supports and feeds the neurons. Einstein had many more glia cells per neuron than has the average person. Members are analogous to neurons. The Glia Society is a worldwide network of linked brains; a hyper-brain.

Arise purer

The journal "Thoth", in digital form, is available only to members and appears bimonthly. It guarantees absolute freedom of speech and has no editorial changes or censorship of any kind. Thoth is filled with members' submissions, and occasionally contains material by others.

The Glia Society has a members-only web site and digital fora such as Discord, a Bulletin Board, a Facebook group, and an e-mail group. Very occasionally there are meetings organized by small groups of members.

Members' birth years vary roughly from the 1920s to the 2000s, the bulk being between 1950 and 2000.

Thoth, Egyptian moon god, weighed the hearts of deceased to determine if they would be admitted to the hereafter or, if the examination was failed, torn apart by a monster that was a mixture of a crocodile, a lion, and a hippopotamus. To enter the Glia Society though it suffices to pass one of a chosen array of tests, submit proof of a prior qualifying score, or pass an assessment procedure.

Required for admission is to be at or above the level of one in a thousand of the adult population in intelligence, as defined on the Qualification page. Official tasks are performed by the founder and by several other members.