The Glia Society

Frequently asked questions

The Glia Society

Questions and answers


I am not able to qualify for high IQ societies but still feel I can make valuable contributions to society. How do I get IQ societies to accept me?


One does not need I.Q. societies to contribute to society. One can do that perfectly outside of the I.Q. societies, via universities, science, business, politics, and so on. I.Q. societies can not help one if one does not qualify. One should respect their admission criteria and not try to force one's way in without satisfying those criteria. If one can not qualify, one does not belong there.


Why is the Glia Society so liberal in its admission requirements, in that it accepts a lot of take-home tests rather then just official standard tests?


The question contains a false assumption; the Glia Society's admission policy is less liberal than that of societies who accept mainly regular tests. For regular psychological tests have little or no validity in the range relevant here, but focus on the range around the mean, say I.Q. 70-130. The Glia Society accepts only tests which are valid in the high range. Societies that accept many regular psychological tests typically are more interested in membership growth than in quality, so they put as many tests as they can find on their list of accepted tests, regardless if those tests are valid in the high range, or even give scores in that range. Often there is also a lack or absence of psychometric expertise in such societies, not to mention a deep incompetence. Their not accepting take-home tests serves to give the larger public the impression of a strict entrance policy; "They only accept official tests and not that take-home crap, so this must be a respectable society!"


What kind of articles are you looking for when taking submissions for the Glia Societies journal Thoth?


No particular kind of articles. Members write what they want and there is no prejudice in taking or selecting articles. Absolute freedom of speech is the essence of the Glia Society.